- Metal Roofing
Long Life Cycle
The premier roof for a commercial building, metal roofs furnish building designers and owners with a world of choices; from system design to type of metal to a rainbow of color options. Metal roofing boasts excellent strength, durability, and fire resistance. Metal roofing has an excellent track record that is literally centuries old, and is in service on approximately 50% of all low-rise commercial, industrial and institutional buildings erected over the past several years.
No matter what kind of roofing style, color, or finish you have now, there’s a metal roofing style to match or compliment the look of your building. In addition to panelized metal roofing systems commonly used on commercial buildings, today’s metal roofing is available in designer looks that simulate shingles, slate, shakes or slate. Contrary to what many believe, insulated metal roofs are as quiet as other roof coverings such as shingles, slate, or tile.
Metal roofing is the emerging star of the energy-efficient and sustainable building movement. Metal roofing can be coated with “cool color” coatings (even dark colors) that are highly-reflective, resulting in lower costs for cooling your buildings. Metal roofing is also touted for its content of post-consumer material, and will be recyclable at the end of it’s long service life.
Benefits of Metal Roofing
- Proven track record of performance
- Broad range of styles and colors available, including "cool colors"
- Light in weight, reducing the cost of other building components
- Very low maintenance
- Available as part of fire, wind, and/or hail rated roofing system
- Part of an energy-efficient building envelope
- Earth-friendly and recyclable
- With insulation, provides an even better-performing building component
- Following years of service, metal may be maintained and/or refinished
Roof Inspection
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